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Friday 30 November 2012

Frosty start today but the sun is shining

Early on the allotment as the sun is shining. Despite the quite hard frost to start with, I managed to work up a sweat and advance the cause by another yard or so. I reckon I am about a third of the way now.


  1. It's looking like good progress on your plot, especially considering the wet weather. I was progressing at about the same rate as you, on my new plot, but nothing recently due to several inches of standing water yet again.

  2. Well, I have just given up for the last 2 weeks Rooko. Rain every day. So become a DIY-er and refitted the bathroom!

  3. I lasted a one day digging trenches when I was 18 years old, before I quit manual labor altogether. That is a heckuva a trench if that's what I am seeing.

    I'd be very impressed if you completed the project with paying for it! Keep up the solid work.

    All the best,
    Dr. G
    Seattle Chiropractor

  4. Thanks Dr Gibson, The strange thing seems to be that I have had no back problems whatsoever since I started the allotments. I think the continual working with the azada must have toughened up my back and stomach muscles to the point where they are taking the strain off my spine. I am finding the deep digging slow and laborious but not overly taxing. I am spurred on by the slow winning back of the land into cultivation which I find very satisfying. The past 6 weeks have been continuous rain here and progress has been halted, now we have snow and ice so it will be a little time before I can resume. I am missing the toil!
